Source Code Single Clinic/Hospital Management With Book Appointment website

Source Code Single Clinic/Hospital Management With Book Appointment website

Single Clinic/Hospital Management website is useful to handle all the details in clinic or hospital including search doctors, services of clinic or hospital, departments in clinic, doctor’s book appointment, clinic/hospital gallery check, availability check and lots of other features
Website Features :-

1. Quick book appointment
2. Department of hospital
3. Facilities in hospital
4. Department wise sorting of doctors
5. Price list of each department services
6. List of all doctor
7. Doctor Features
Name and category
Star rating of doctor
Descriptive details of doctor
Availability timing
Service list of doctor
Book appointment to doctor
Chat with doctor
8. Emergency contact number on each department
9. Email contact of department
10. Quick book appointment features
Select department
Select doctor
Select service
provide basic contact details
book appointment
11. Gallery of clinic/hospital
12. Check photos of each category
13. Health packages
14. Login for user
15. Register for user
16. User features
Check upcoming appointment
check past appointment
Check subscription history
Edit profile and profile picture
Change password
Chat with doctor
Add review to doctors
17. Payment gateway integrated

Admin panel or backend Features

1. Login for Admin
List of appointments
Add/Edit of doctors
List of patients
Edit health packages
Chat between user and admin
Manage gallery and photos
Check reviews by user
List of Subscription paid by user
Manage Facilities
Manage Department
Send notification
Manage payment gateway
2. Login for doctor
Dashboard to check today’s appointment
chat with user
Edit his own profile
appointment list
check reviews by users

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